
Exchange meeting with new FIT students

On September 10, 9, the International Faculty held a meeting for new students K2023 at the Faculty Meeting Room. This is an intimate exchange between new students and teachers to exchange, introduce the program and orient new students on training regulations, rights and obligations of students, and regulations. Directing the work of the Union and the Student Association.

At the beginning, Mr. Nguyen Tien Hung - Head of the International Faculty introduced to the new students about the Faculty's traditions and training regulations for advanced programs, English language as well as Foreign Trade Operations.

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Ngoc - Deputy Dean and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department introduced the Mechanical Engineering Program, student life and job opportunities after graduation for students. Mr. Tran Que Son - Deputy Head of the Electrical Engineering Department, teaches in English and introduces the program, learning and job opportunities when you graduate. Ms. Luong Thi Mai Uyen - Representative of Foreign Trade Industry introduced the program, learning content and work opportunities after graduation.

Next, Ms. Hoang Thi Tham - Deputy Head of the International Faculty introduced Student Affairs, Union Affairs and the Student Association.

The exchange is practical in order to give you your first understanding of the Faculty and student life. Hopefully this will be the first step in your dynamic student life.

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